de FREITAS, DR. CHRIS R. After a brave fight with cancer, Chris passed away on July 5, 2017 in New Zealand. Chris was born in Trinidad and educated in Canada (University of Toronto) where he received a Commonwealth scholarship and completed his PhD in Brisbane, Australia. After graduation, he joined the faculty of the University of Auckland in New Zealand and made his home there. He served as the Deputy Dean of Science and Technology and completed a term as Pro Vice Chancellor. He will be sadly missed by his wife Nancy, also from Trinidad and their 2 sons Alex and Andrew. He was the beloved son of Rhodes (deceased) and Doreen de Freitas, brother of Sally (deceased 2013) and younger brother Dr. Tim A. de Freitas (Calgary). He was known for his work on climate change and was an excellent teacher and mentor. Chris will be missed by his friends in Canada along with his colleagues in the Scientific community